Stream La Gallina Turuleca online in België

Is de Animatie film La Gallina Turuleca met Álvaro de Juana Pecos, Ana Ángeles García, Eva Hache & José Mota te streamen op Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, VRT, BE TV GO of andere Belgische streamingdiensten?
La Gallina Turuleca Streaming Overzicht

Streamingmogelijkheden in België

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De releasedatum is 1-1-2020

Technische details

Regie Eduardo Gondell & Víctor Monigote
Cast Álvaro de Juana Pecos, Ana Ángeles García, Eva Hache & José Mota
Genre Animatie
Releasedatum 2020-01-01
Schrijver Edgard Poças (based on the original song by), Eduardo Gondell, Eduardo Gondell (screenplay by), Emilio Aragón 'Miliki' (based on the Spanish-language version of the song by), Fofó (based on the Spanish-language version of the song by), Gabriel Aragón 'Gaby' (based on the Spanish-language version of the song by), Juan Pablo Buscarini, Juan Pablo Buscarini (screenplay by), Pablo Bossi & Pablo Bossi (screenplay by)
Lengte 80 min


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